special rate weeks

Hotel Sorriso Riccione

In some periods of the summer, particularly advantageous offers are available… but they are not always easy to find.
Discover our complete list with hotel + beach formula:

from 24/5 to 14/6
7 nights €950 total 2 people (only 24/5-8/6)
7 nights €1240 family 2+1
7 nights €1490 family 2+2

from 27/7 to 3/8
7 nights €1100 total 2 people
7 nights €1430 family 2+1
7 nights €1690 family 2+2

from 7/9 to 14/9
7 nights €950 total 2 people
7 nights €1240 family 2+1
7 nights €1490 family 2+2

The offers include:
- full board
- mineral water with meals
- umbrella + 2 sun loungers

Contatct us for more information specifying the offer that best suits you, or alternative solutions and different formulas, B&B, half board…

+39 0541 645333 +39.0541.645333